
  • *Nagbdu Kamarova Yesenov University
  • Baktybay Zhailovov Yessenov University




literary criticism, literary theory, criticism, creative laboratory, scientific opinion, genre, style


This article examines the contribution of Abish Kekilbayuly to lit- erary studies. His role as a literary scholar is to study the works of famous poets and writers, and his conclusions related to literary theory are enriched and substantiated in his literary and educational scientific articles.

The purpose of the article is to summarize the literary and literary criticism of literary critic A.Kekilbayuly about literature, scientific, literary, educational and criti- cal thoughts that arose during the study of creative laboratories of writers. To realize this goal, scientific, research and educational articles by A.Kekilbayuly were selected and taken as the object of research, showing his literary skills.

The article uses methods of review, description, systematization, analysis, and comparison. As a scientific novelty, this article for the first time analyzes and studies the scientific nature of the literary aspect of Abish Kekilbayuly within the framework of his literary and scientific articles related to the theory of literature. The works of a literary critic are examined and evaluated from the heights of modern literary criti- cism. It is emphasized that the key thoughts and literary reflections of the scientist in each of his articles, rational judments are precious things that never lose their value.

This article, which analyzes A. Kekilbayuly’s scientific ideas about aesthetic and cognitive thought and writers, a creative laboratory, literary trends and literary movements, literary style and other literary theories, allows it to be used as addition- al material in special courses related to literary studies and evaluate A. Kekilbayuly as a literary critic.

Author Biographies

*Nagbdu Kamarova, Yesenov University

– Candidateof Philology, Professor

Baktybay Zhailovov , Yessenov University

- doctoral student





Literature studies