Guide for Authors

Guidelines for Authors:

         Publication of materials in the "Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute" is carried out through the Open Journal System website.


          Articles that do not pass plagiarism checks cannot be corrected and resubmitted. The editorial office accepts articles that have not been previously published in other publications. Articles are accepted in Kazakh, Russian, and English. The number of authors in an article should not exceed three. Font - Palatino Linotype, font size - 12, spacing - single. Margins - 2 cm.

         Font - Palatino Linotype, size Font-12, interval - Odin. Kraya - 2 cm.

         * The content of articles should contain the main text of 2000-3500 words (the number of authors per article should not exceed three), excluding title, author references, annotations, keywords, and bibliography.

         * Each author must have an MRNTI/IRSTI code (International category of scientific and technical information, available at and an ORCID ID         * Full author details, city, country, and email of the author(s), article title, annotations, and keywords.

         * The abstract in the language of the article text, keywords - Russian and English for texts in Kazakh, Kazakh and English for texts in Russian, Kazakh and Russian for texts in English. The abstract should not exceed 300 words in three languages. The abstract uses the summary of the research article and helps the reader quickly understand the essence of the article. The abstract should be written in an understandable form, being an independent part of the article. It should not contain large formulas, duplicate the title of the article in content, contain references to the text of the work and the list of literature, contain a brief summary of the article, reflect its features, and maintain the structure of the article. The abstract should encourage the reader to read the entire article. The structure of the abstract should start with a description of the research object and describe the problems and methods used, outstanding results, and their importance. Established terminology should be used if necessary.

         * Keywords should define the main content, and expected research area, and must be present in the text. They should be separated by commas, and there should be 5-8 keywords

         * The text should be structured as follows: introduction, methods and methodology, discussion and control, results, and conclusion.

         * Authors must comply with the following requirements:

         - Provide historical information about problem formulation with subsequent answers and results;

         - Justify and explain decisions made in the article;

         - Fully disclose new article results;

         - Results must be supported by comprehensive data.

         * Use no more than 10-15 references in the bibliography. For transliteration between Cyrillic and Latin scripts, use and respectively. 

        * The quality and quantity of cited sources indicate the article's relevance. Authors are recommended to follow these guidelines: all sources should be related to English-language bibliographic references; transition to scientific publications recognized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, indexed in the Scopus or Web of Science databases;

         * In the speech of the author, the theme of the article should be reflected on the internet site;

         * Illustrations (tables, drawings, diagrams) should be done on a computer or as a clear drawing (ink) on a separate A4 sheet. The figure number is placed on the other side of the paper, and its location is marked on the edge;

         * Footnotes and references to literary sources are numbered, and the source's ordinal number is indicated in square brackets after the citation, followed by a comma and the page number. Example of a path link: [6, 35].

         * A digital object identifier (DOI) is assigned to the published article by the editorial office.

         * If any of the requirements are not met, the article is not accepted for consideration.

         Examples of formatting the list of literature (GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation"): 

         Formating a book:

         1) Sabyr M. Phono-Morpho-semantic continuity of the ancient Kipchak language and the Kazakh language. – Almaty: Liber, 2021. – 464 P.

Formation of journal articles:

         2) Abylova, G.E., Aripzhan, G.Zh. The concept of time in the ancient Turkish written monuments // Bulletin of the Eurasian humanitarian Institute. No. 3. – 2023. – P. 7-19. DOI:

         Formatting journal articles:

         1) Daurenbekova L.N. Found a translation of the story "The Blue Wolf" by M. Auezov // sovereign Kazakhstan. № 63 (30792). – 2024. – P. 13.

         Formatting journal articles (in English):

         1) Alimbayev A.E., Daurenbekova L.N., Kemenger K.R., Imanberdiyeva S.K., Bashirov N.K. The Idea of Eternal Country in the First Epic Poemsof the Turkic People // Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanitiesthis link is disabled, 2020,12 (4), pp. 1-11. DOI: v12n4.29

         Formatting Internet resources:

  1. Postmodernism and we. URL: / postmodernism-zane-biz22858 (reviewed: 17.12.2023).
  2. Dulatov M. collection of works in six volumes. 1921. // URL: (reviewed: 23.11.2023).