
  • *Aigul Nurbanova A.K. Кussayinov Eurasian humanities institute
  • Mukhabbat Baratova Toraighyrov university



spiritual values, value orientations, value system, national values, axiology, personality formation


The ideas of value are directly related to education, since the content of education is the implementation of social programs operating in the system of values. Spiritual values are a factor determining the regulation of human behavior. Value is the importance and usefulness of a particular object or phenomenon. It determines how important an object is to a person. Universal values are things that are considered equally revered and dear to a person as a whole. National values are types of universal values that manifest a certain national identity. Axiology is the doctrine of values. A special field of philosophical science that studies the nature, system and structure of values. Genesis is a concept reflecting the birth and further development of a certain subject, phenomenon. Genesis dictates a certain stage of the development process. Value is something that is important, meaningful or useful for a person or society. Most people know what material values are. But not everyone understands correctly what spiritual values are. This is a more complex concept, which is also interpreted in different ways. Today we will analyze what spiritual values are, how they differ from material values, what they are and what meaning they have. Spiritual values are ideals and beliefs that govern a person's life, serve as a guide for him and help him make the right decisions. They are established for themselves by both society and man. Unlike tangible assets, they have no real value. However, their value for a person can be relatively high. The system of spiritual values is individual for each person and is the most important component of his personality.  

Author Biographies

*Aigul Nurbanova, A.K. Кussayinov Eurasian humanities institute

– Master of Philology, Senior Lecturer

Mukhabbat Baratova, Toraighyrov university

– candidate of philological sciences, professor





Literature studies