


myth, binary opposition, mythological mind, contradiction, actant (active) structure, mythical mind, nature.


This article introduces the scientific definitions and statements regarding the binary oppositions in mythological and folk texts with important conclusions being overviewed. It will be noted that binary opposition is used as a universal tool for determining the truth in science. The main depictions of archetypal thinking noticeable in myth texts will be analyzed. Persistent binary oppositions that shape a mythic image of a universe will be systemized, and semantic analysis of their significance in the text structure will be conducted. The role of binary oppositions in mythology, which emerged from mythic thinking while still being opportune, will be described, addressing its value in an expression of national worldview and a clarification of the universe's figure in cultural knowledge. The article will discuss a high degree of relevance of perception of the universe through a binary opposition for humanity today, who has a similar structure of mind. The fact that binary opposition is a general instrument for the recognition of truth will be supported by numerous pieces of evidence. Attention will be paid to the value of unity of conflicting powers and meanings in nature.

The article will suggest a comprehensive analysis, based on the theoretical works, of the way myths hold a main function of understanding the world by overcoming the сontradictions in the universe. Myth served as a guidance for people in ancient times to discover the world, a secret of an environment, and to save an inner balance. Therefore, myth’s tendency to occupy a special place in the mind of humanity and become a fundamental root for the artworks will be examined. The Article demonstrates how the binary system in literary studies reveals the contradiction’s method of operation in myth texts, and it establishes the actant (active) activity that emerges from it.

Author Biographies

Aigul Abildayeva, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

– PhD student

*Zhanat Aimukhambet, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

– Doctor of Philology, Professor

Almaz Mirzakhmetov, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

– Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Lecturer





Literature studies