proverbs and sayings, the art of the word, speech, education, the richness of language.Abstract
Annotation. The article discusses the importance of using proverbs as a genre of folk pedagogy, as a means of educating the moral qualities of students. The issues of etymology and genre of Proverbs of the Kazakh ethnic group and the importance of their use in teaching are also considered.
Attention should be paid to the moral and educational nature of Proverbs and sayings. They contain a whole range of proposals expressing the folk idea of a person, about the formation of personality, about morality, work, mental, aesthetic education. Through proverbs and sayings, we understand the basic values of folk education.
Proverbs give us the opportunity to think a lot, make us feel something difficult for oneself in everyday life or not at all, create one's own thoughts, one's own image, affect the feeling of one's own being and place in it.
Emotionally rich artistic images have a strong impact on behavior, attitude to the environment. Their brightness, emotionality lead to the right attitude. It helps to understand what is good and what is bad, raises it to another stage of the ability to distinguish between good and bad, thereby contributing to the education of moral feelings and qualities.
In the proverbs and sayings of our people, its centuries-old wisdom is reflected. Due to these qualities, the proper use of Proverbs and sayings in the educational and educational process plays a huge role in the development of knowledge of the history and language of our country.
The language of Proverbs is simple and artistic, and the vocabulary is very rich. In terms of sentence construction, it is light and impressive. The Kazakh people paid attention not only to the external beauty of the words in proverbs, but also to the reasonable use of the meaning of the words used in its composition.