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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Font -Palatino Linotype, font size -12, spacing - single. Fields - 2 cm.
  • The volume of the article should be 2000-3500 words, except for the title, information about the authors, annotations, keywords, bibliographic list.
  • According to the direction and language of the article, the number ҒTAKhR / MRNTI / IRSTI and the Orсid ID number of each author should be affixed.
  • Information about the authors, the title of the article is given in three languages. Co-authors are numbered by ordinal numbers.
  • Abstract, keywords in the language of the text of the article are provided for the text in Kazakh - in Russian and English, for the text in Russian - in Kazakh and English, for texts in English - in Kazakh and Russian.
  • Abstract in three languages ​​should not exceed 300 words, keywords should not be less than 5-8 words.
  • The text of the article should be presented in the following sequence: Introduction - Methodology and methods of the research - Discussion and observation - Results - Conclusion.
  • List of used literature at least 10-15 items. Translation of theKazakh text from Cyrillic to Latin can be done at Translation of the text in Russian into Latin can be done at
  • In case of a link to an Internet site, the site, the topic is indicated.
  • In the bibliographic list, it is desirable to have scientific works of famous foreign authors on the topic of the article.
  • Illustrations (tables, charts, diagrams) must be made on a computer or in the form of a clear drawing (in ink) on a separate A4 sheet. The number of the figure is put on the other side of the paper carrier, its location is indicated along the edges.
  • Explanations and references to literary sources are numbered, after the citation, the serial number of the source is indicated in square brackets, after the comma: the page. An example of references: [6, 35].
  • In case of checking in the anti-plagiarism system "" (scale of threshold values of KP1-30%) and receiving a positive proposal from the reviewers, the final decision on the publication of the article is made.
  • The published article is assigned a DOI digital form identifier by the editors.

Author Guidelines

Publication of materials in the Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. The Philology series is delivered through the Open Journal System website.

The editors accept articles that have not been previously published in other publications. Articles are accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Sample article design


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