
  • *Aigul Shahееn Astana IT Univercity
  • Sabira Sapina Astana IT Univercity
  • Aiman Kaudyrova Казахский национальный университет искусств



Тerm creation process, term system, metaphor, individualization of the term, explication, semantics, lexical units


The relevance of the article under review is due to the appeal to the latest research paradigms of modern linguistics to study the industry-specific terminology. The research was carried out within the framework of the integrative application of the research potential of terminology, cognitive science and linguistics, which ensured the transition to a new interpretation of the term as a means of obtaining, storing, processing and transmitting academic knowledge. The problems of term formation considered in the article in the author’s dictionary proposed by L.N. Gumilyov attract the attention of experts not only by systematizing the structural principles of the study of terminological systems, but also by the problematic ambiguous presentation of the issues under consideration. The author’s cognitive analysis of the ethnological terminological system made it possible to establish the semantics of terms and their place in scientific discourse. The authors managed to show the need to study the mechanisms of direct and metaphorical nomination of special terminological systems within the framework of the cognitive direction, taking into account the anthropocentric research paradigm. The conducted linguo-cognitive analysis of the ethnology for terminology system served as evidence of the prospects of the linguistic study of academic texts by L.N. Gumilyov and allows us to consider the ethnology terminology as a model of the cognitive space of one of the socially significant areas. The individual terms created by the famous scientist L.N. Gumilyov are grouped in the article. As a result of the study, the features of the functioning of these terms in specialized dictionaries and in the context of the author’s works are determined.

Author Biographies

*Aigul Shahееn, Astana IT Univercity

– Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Sabira Sapina, Astana IT Univercity

– Candidate of  Philology, Associate Professor

Aiman Kaudyrova, Казахский национальный университет искусств

– Candidate of Philology, Professor





