



Абай, поэзия, «жаңа қазақ әйелі», тұлға теориясы, жалпыадамзаттық құндылықтар, аксиология.


The main leitmotif of this study is the artistic existence of the "new kazakh woman” in the creative context of Abai, their features and axiological character, which have their own gender consciousness. In addition, the content and semantic meaning of the category “value” is analyzed in revealing the axiological facets of Kazakh women, embodied by the poet. The author draws attention to the spiritual world of the kazakh woman and the ontological aspect of female consciousness, which first appears in Abai’s discourse, beyond the stereotypes and cultural clichés of women that once existed in kazakh literature. For centuries, beauty, grace, and external portraiture have been glorified as a way of conveying individuality, personal facets of a kazakh woman and mental phenomena in her spiritual world. Also in the national literature, the emancipatory point of view of Abai, who was the first to sing of women's liberation and women's happiness, is considered. In the literary, cultural, historical context, the asocial realities of kazakh women and their “changed” behavioral strategies are considered, which violate the generally accepted standards of traditional society in Abai’s poetry and introduce new views, new values. It also formulates the artistic world of female characters who openly express love passions and intimate desires in Abai’s works, and a poetic position illustrating feminist traits in accordance with the female worldview. The “new kazakh woman” created by Abai boldly challenges the established conventions of patriarchal society, protesting against the stereotypical views imposed on him (everyday, family, life). Realizing the meaning of her life, her “I,” she manifests herself in the image of the desire to act, to live as she wants for herself. The purpose of the study was also to determine the women's problem in Abai's work, which was previously considered in various aspects, the evolution of their social, psychological, aesthetic and artistic image and the novelty of the poet in interpreting the female theme. Therefore, the article consistently differentiates a new image of the Kazakh woman, who in the previous literary discourse has transformed from a spiritually weak, passive personality into a versatile, mature, active personality.

Author Biographies

*Aidana Zhumatayeva, M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art

– Master of Arts in Humanities Researcher Institute

Dauren Mukhamediev, Аbai Kazakh national pedagogical university

– candidate of Philological sciences, senior teacher





Literature studies